Asynchronous, lazy initialization with synchronous accessor

I’ve come to love Grand Central Dispatch and blocks for making it so easy to add asynchronous tasks to your application. Without the overhead of thread class instantiation or defining callback methods you can send a task in the background and keep your main thread unblocked.

However, sometimes you need a mix of synchronous and asynchronous tasks or more specifically you want to start something asynchronously initially and to block and wait for its completion elsewhere in your code. One example of this could be a unit test of an asynchronous algorithm where you need synchronous access to the results for validation.

Another example is a current project of mine which involves plotting of medical data that is parsed from CSV files. There are four CSV files and each takes about a second to parse. It’s not long but when you try and do it on demand when a plot is about to be displayed on screen, you find that blocking your main thread for a second can be very annoying. The obvious solution is to do the parsing on a background queue but that immediately raises the question: How do you then handle the plotting? Do you show an empty plot which populates later, when the data is available? That doesn’t look good. Another alternative would be to make the whole display plot action asynchronous. But then you’ve decoupled user interaction (user taps a button to bring up a plot) and GUI action (plot actually displays) and will probably find that users tap multiple times until the plot shows up.

Ideally then, the data would be loaded early on and the actual plotting would be synchronous. In my application, the data is loaded and parsed asynchronously in the initializer of a singleton which is used throughout the application for global data. Therefore, as soon as my global is being accessed for the first time the data gets loaded in the background. I can then afford to use blocking access to the data, because there is no (or very little) chance for the user to activate the GUI to display the plot before the data has been parsed. And even if they do, the processing is far along and the delay minimal.

So in summary, the requirements for my use case are:

  • Several initialization tasks need processing
  • Processing can happen in parallel
  • Processing must not block the main thread
  • Access to the results should block while processing is in progress

Here is how it’s implemented:

First off, we have an initializer that does our parsing, slowInitForKey in the example code. The idea here is that initialization work is based on a key (e.g. a filename) and returns a single result object that can be stored in a results dictionary.

Next we define a singleton Globals which is instantiated early on in our code, for example in viewDidLoad and has the following init method:

- (id)init {
  self = [super init];
  if (self) {
    valuesSerialQueue = dispatch_queue_create("valuesSerialQueue", NULL);
    self.values = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];

    [[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"A", @"B", @"C", @"D", @"E", @"F", nil]
     enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
      dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
        NSString *value = [self slowInitForKey:obj];
        dispatch_async(valuesSerialQueue, ^{
          [self.values setObject:value forKey:obj];
  return self;

What does this do?

  • First, we set up a serial queue and a dictionary for the results. We use a serial queue to make sure that only one thread will access the values dictionary at a time. Think of it as a locking mechanism in GCD terms.
  • Next, we iterate over the initialization keys (A-F in this example – these would be filenames in the CSV parsing example). Each key we send to a concurrent dispatch queue for parallel processing of slowInitForKey:. After processing is finished, the result is written to the dictionary via an async dispatch to our serial queue valuesSerialQueue. Again, this ensures that no two threads access the values dictionary at the same time.

Now that initialization is on its way, all that’s left is the synchronous access to the results. This is pretty simple:

- (NSString *)valueForKey:(NSString *)key {
  __block NSString *result = nil;
  do {
    // keep polling until there’s a value
    dispatch_sync(valuesSerialQueue, ^{
      result = [self.values objectForKey:key];
  } while (result == nil);
  return result;

All we do is simply poll the results dictionary via the serial queue until there is a value. Of course you need to make sure that your initializer will always set a result – otherwise you would block forever. A safer way would be to set a time limit on how long you block before you eventually break from this method and return nil.

If you are worried that there may be a lot of polling going on until there is a result you could add a little delay after each unsuccessful poll. It’s probably irrelevant though, because polling only happens until initialization is finished.

An example project is available on github.